Rabu, 06 Juni 2012


A phobia is an inappropriate sense of anxiety or fear triggered by exposure to a specific object or situation. People with phobias have a strong desire to avoid whatever it is that is causing their fears.
There are three main types of phobia: Specific or Simple phobias, Agoraphobia, Social phobia. Firstly, Specific or simple phobias are very common in children, where they are essentially thought of as normal. But some phobias carry on until adult life. These specific phobias can be divided up as fears of: animals, nature, blood, certain situations. Secondly, Agoraphobia means a fear of open spaces. However, it's often used to refer to a fear of being away from home and family, often because of worry about having a panic attack. Thirdly, Social phobia occurs when there is an excessive fear of social situations, such as small groups of people at parties.

There are several different theories about why phobias develop. They do seem to run in families. But how much this is to do with picking up phobias from your parents and how much is inherited through your genes is uncertain. Young babies seem to be naturally afraid of animals such as snakes and of heights for instance, even though they need to learn to be afraid of man-made objects such as guns. So there is probably a natural fear response that gave our ancestors a survival advantage. It's possible that when phobias develop this natural fear response has gone wrong. Sometimes the start of a phobia may be triggered by a stressful life event, such as bereavement, illness or divorce. It might be possible to avoid phobias by encouraging children to face up to feared situations rather than stay away from them. However, this doesn't always work
                         Source : file:///E:/materi%20psychology/phobia-is-inappropriate-sense-of.html

Vocabularies list :

1.      Inappropriate               =Tidak tepat /pantas
2.      Carry                           = Membawa
3.      Agoraphobia               = Takut pada ruang terbuka
4.      Survival                       = Peninggalan
5.      Triggered                     = Pemicu
6.      Inherited                     = menerima warisan
7.      Bereavement               = kehilangan
8.      Ancestors                    = leluhur/nenek moyang
9.      Picking                        = memetik/mengambil
1.0    Attack                         = serangan/penyrbuan

The importance of psychology

The importance of psychology
Psychology is important as it helps me in understanding myself better, it helps me to perceive things positively and it assists me in determining the things that I enjoy doing the most and the kind of stuff I like to write about. It also contribute a lot of great help in the way I handle things in life, the way I face challenges and problems that occurs at an unexpected time and of course the way I make decisions in my everyday living
Psychology is important as it is concerned with the study of behavior and mental processes and at the same time, it is also applied to many different things in human life. Everything we perform is very much related to or with psychology. Psychology, primarily studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and what we could be as a person.
“Yes” The study of human behavior and the mind is intriquing. In addition, people tend to live busy lives without stopping or having time for stopping to think of emotions or analyse situations/experiences and how they drive our choices and lives. Often we allow our emotions to control or drive/control our lives rather than to stop, analyse, or think things through and make decisions based upon this analysis. Emotions may result in devastating decisions while choices based upon a thorough analysis may result in positive emotions and outcome. In additon, various researchers have studied a wide variety of family illnesses and indiviual mental illnesses, and this information along with experienced professionals are available to assist as needed with the knowledge of past and recent studies.
                                                                        Source : http://allpsych.com/journal/phobias.html
Vocabularies list :
1.      Challenges                   = Tantangan
2.      Decision                      = Keputusan
3.      Available                     = Tersedia
4.      Perceive                       = Merasa
5.      Devastate                    = Merusak
6.      Illnesses                       = Macam-macam penyakit
7.      Challenge                    = Tantangan
8.      Assist                          = Bantuan
9.      Thorough                     = Teliti
10.  Researchers                 = Penelitian

psychological approach

psychological approach

A psychological approach seems well suited to criticism of prose and poetry dealing with childhood experiences. Indeed, Whitman's "There Was a Child Went Forth" declares a view of unfolding experience that describes the very formation of a personal psychology and makes for appreciating the importance of shaping childhood experience carefully so as not to "misshape" the child. For it is not only the first object that the child looks upon that he becomes but every object and image and emotional experience. Whitman begins with an account of the natural world, with flora and fauna, fish and fowl, the whole of the natural environment containing and to an extent determining the child's experience of the world.
In addition to the relatively innocuous natural environment, the child encounters other human beings, and his perceptions of their natures and difference color his world view as well. Not every personal encounter is innocuous, of course, and as the poem progresses the images begin almost to tumble and encroach on one another. What begins with a reference to "early lilacs" (5) as a simple, deceptively and sentimental lyric of innocent childhood gradually develops into an increasingly busy array of image and sound: "Men and women crowding fast in the streets, if they are not flashes and specks what are they? / The streets themselves and the facades of houses, and goods in the windows, / Vehicles, teams the heavy-planked wharves, the huge crossings at the ferries" (30-32). L
Vocabularies list :
1.      Declares                      = mengumumkan
2.      Misshape                     = Bentuk yang tak serasi
3.      Innocuous                   = tidak berbahaya
4.      Deceptively                 = Penuh tipuan
5.      Vehicles                      = Wahana
6.      Wharf                          = Dermaga
7.      Flashes                        = cahaya/kilasan
8.      Huge                           = sangat besar
9.      Encounter                    = pertemuan

Child Psychology

Child psychology
Child psychology involves looking at the issues,stages and various influences that a child experiences throughout their development into functioning adults. Child psychology can be divided into two main areas- the actual process of psychological developmentthat the child goes through when growing up and the analysis and treatment of the various problems that a child may face throughout their development.

During a child’s development from infancy to adulthood, many influences are responsible for sapping their ways of seeing the world, their ideas of their own identity andtheir place within society. Factors such as environments setting, family, community and the media all shape a child. In a perfect world, a child would develop successfully into a happily functioning adult, without any problems along the way, however this is not usually the case and many children find that the may struggle throughout the process.

Vocabularies list :

1.      Issues                        = Persoalan
2.      Identity                      = Identitas
3.      Development             = Perkembangan
4.      Adulthood                 = Kedewasaan
5.      Struggle                     = Perjuangan
6.      Responsible               = bertanggungjawab
7.      Sapping                     = Melemahkan
8.      Influence                    = Pengaruh
9.      Psychological             = Psikologis
1.  Environment                 = lingkungan

Fighting Phobias, The Things That Go Bump in the Mind

Fighting Phobias, The Things That Go Bump in the Mind

A person can develop a specific phobia of anything, but in most cases the phobia is shared by many and has a name. Animal phobias--cynophobia (dogs), equinophobia (horses), zoophobia (all animals)--are common. So are arachnophobia (spiders) and ophidiophobia (snakes). And, of course, there's the fear of flying (pterygophobia), heights (acrophobia), and confined spaces (claustrophobia).
"One of the most common phobias is the fear of dentists [odontiatophobia]," says Sheryl Jackson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "People who suffer with this phobia will literally let their teeth rot out because they are afraid to go to a dentist."
Jackson says that most specific phobias do not cause a serious disruption in a person's life, and, consequently, sufferers do not seek professional help. Instead, they find ways to avoid whatever it is that triggers their panic, or they simply endure the distress felt when they encounter it. Some may also consult their physicians, requesting medication to help them through a situation, such as an unavoidable plane trip for someone who is phobic about flying.
Some phobias cause significant problems that require long-term professional help. "People usually seek treatment when their phobia interferes in their lives, the person who turns down promotions because he knows public speaking will be required, someone who must travel frequently but who is afraid of flying, or a woman who wants to have children but who has a fear of pain or blood. These are the people who seek long-term treatment," says Jackson.
First, the patient and therapist establish a hierarchy of feared situations, from the least to the most feared. For someone who fears elevators, for example, stepping onto the elevator causes a certain level of anxiety; going up one flight causes another level of anxiety. With each additional flight the anxiety increases until it becomes intolerable. Therapy begins with the patient and therapist practicing the least fearful event, riding out the anxiety until the physiological symptoms subside. This step is repeated until the anxiety level is acceptable. Then the person progresses to the next step in the hierarchy. Each successive step is repeated until the physical reactions and anxious mood decrease to the point where the person can step onto an elevator and ride to the top floor without panicking. 

Vocabularies list :
1.      Phobia                         = Ketakutan
2.      Dentisy                        = Dokter gigi
3.      Disruption                   = Gangguan
4.      Endure                                    = Menahan
5.      Panicking                    =Membikin panic
6.      Treatment                   = pengobatan
7.      Riding                         = mengendari
8.      Hierarchy                    = Hirarki
9.      Elevator                       = Pelayan
10.  Disruption                   = Gangguan



Psychology is the study of the mind, occurring partly via the study of behavior. Grounded in scientific method, psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and for many it ultimately aims to benefit society. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist, and can be classified as a social scientist, behavioral scientist, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain cognitive functions and behaviors.
Psychologists explore such concepts as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Psychologists of diverse stripes also consider the unconscious mind. Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. Psychology incorporates research from the social and natural sciences, and from the humanities, such as philosophy.
While psychological knowledge is often applied to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, it is also applied to understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity. The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to mental processes and behavior, and typically work in university psychology departments or teach in other academic settings. Some are employed in industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas such as human development and aging, sports, health, and the media, as well as in forensic analysis and other aspects of law.

Behavior= Perilaku.                        Explore= Menyelidiki.
Method= Metode.                          Relationship= Hubungan.
Researcher= Peneliti.                      Interpretation= Interpretasi.
Attempt= Usaha.                            Assessment= Penilaian.
Scientist= Ilmuwan.                        Scientific= Ilmiah.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology

Ecological Counseling

 Ecological Counseling
This article talk about how to manage and know children psyhological in learning English.
Ecological Counseling offers an approach to the conceptualization of human issues that integrates personal and environmental factors through focusing on their interaction. By doing so, the widely divergent forces that converge through the development of a human life may be organized into a logical and coherent narrative. This process is invaluable when attempting to assist people in the recreation of their lives, as is the case with the various forms of counseling.
The theoretical structure of this approach emerges from the integration of field theory, phenomenology, and constructivism. In 1935, Kurt Lewin, a German Gestalt psychologist, articulated that human behavior is a product of personal and environmental factors and formulated the equation B=(PxE). Urie Bronfenbrenner expanded Lewin's work in 1979 into Ecological Systems Theory. Ecological Counseling posits that the person is inextricably situated within radically specific and interdependent ecological systems. Additionally, the individual carries particular capacities, limitations, temperaments, preferences, symbolic representation systems and personal historicity through the varying environmental settings in which the person lives. The interactions between the person and environment result in the construction of the individual ecological niches. These niches are what we experience as our world.
Ecological counseling seeks to understand people's ecological niches and assist them to live a satisfying life. This is accomplished by improving one's interactional quality, or concordance, through counseling intervention at both the personal and environmental levels.
Ecological Counseling has implications for clinical counseling practice, counselor training, group work, career counseling, social service delivery, research, social justice initiatives, community intervention, consultation, supervision, and human growth & development.

Vocabulary List : 
·          widely divergent                : sangat beragama
·         attempting                          : mencoba
·          assist                                   : membantu
·          emerges                               : muncul  
·         expanded                             : diperluas 
·         inextricably situated        :terkait dengan
·          ecological niches               : ekologi relung


Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember, and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics.
Noam Chomsky helped to ignite a "cognitive revolution" in psychology when he criticized the behaviorists' notions of "stimulus", "response", and "reinforcement", arguing that such ideas—which Skinner had borrowed from animal experiments in the laboratory—could be applied to complex human behavior, most notably language acquisition, in only a superficial and vague manner. The postulation that humans are born with the instinct or "innate facility" for acquiring language posed a challenge to the behaviorist position that all behavior, including language, is contingent upon learning and reinforcement. Social learning theorists, such as Albert Bandura, argued that the child's environment could make contributions of its own to the behaviors of an observant subject.

The Müller-Lyer illusion. Psychologists make inferences about mental processes from shared phenomena such as optical illusions.
Meanwhile, accumulating technology helped to renew interest and belief in the mental states and representations—i.e., the cognition—that had fallen out of favor with behaviorists. English neuroscientist Charles Sherrington and Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb used experimental methods to link psychological phenomena with the structure and function of the brain. With the rise of computer science and artificial intelligence, analogies were drawn between the processing of information by humans and information processing by machines. Research in cognition had proven practical since World War II, when it aided in the understanding of weapons operation.[46] By the late 20th century, though, cognitivism had become the dominant paradigm of mainstream psychology, and cognitive psychology emerged as a popular branch.
Assuming both, that the covert mind should be studied and that the scientific method should be used to study it, cognitive psychologists set such concepts as subliminal processing and implicit memory in place of the psychoanalytic unconscious mind or the behavioristic contingency-shaped behaviors. Elements of behaviorism and cognitive psychology were synthesized to form the basis of cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of psychotherapy modified from techniques developed by American psychologist Albert Ellis and American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck. Cognitive psychology was subsumed along with other disciplines, such as philosophy of mind, computer science, and neuroscience, under the cover discipline of cognitive science.
Vocabulaery list:
1.      cognitive revolution                   =Revolusi kognitive
2.      information processing               =Pengolahan informasi
3.      cognitive science                       =Ilmu kognitif
4.      neuroscience                             = neuroscience
5.      philosophy of mind                    =Filsafat Fikiran
6.      cognitive behavioral therapy       =Terapi prilaku kognitif
7.      implicit memory                         =Implicit memori
8.      Social learning theorists             =Teori belajar sosial
9.      innate facility                             =Fasilitras bawaan
10.  artificial intelligence                    =Kecerdasan buatan

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Brief History of Psychology

The word Psychology derives from the Greek word 'psyche' meaning breath, spirit, or soul "ology is the study of.
Modern, scientific psychology began in 1879 when the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt established the first laboratory specifically devoted to experimental psychology. The first experimental psychology laboratory in the United States opened at Johns Hopkins University in 1883.
1. Originally, the focus was on the mind, including thoughts, feelings, sensations, all things inside
-psychology is the study of the mind, or cognitive content (structures) and processes (functions)
-people like Wundt, Titchener, and James searched for the ways to understand how the mind works
2. In the 1920s the behavioral revolution swept the field: Pavlov, Watson, and later Skinner
-argued that psychology is the study of behavior
3. Today, both these elements are combined, yielding the current definition: Psychology is the study of mind (cognitive processes) and behavior.

Psychology in Higher Education

English for Psychology in Higher Education Studies
Key Features
The Garnet Education English for Specific Academic Purposes series won the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language Book Award in 2009.
English for Psychology is a skills-based course designed specifically for students of psychology who are about to enter English-medium tertiary level studies. It provides carefully graded practice and progressions in the key academic skills that all students need, such as listening to lectures and speaking in seminars. It also equips students with the specialist language they need to participate successfully within a psychology department. Extensive listening exercises come from psychology lectures, and all reading texts are taken from the same field of study. There is also a focus throughout on the key psychology vocabulary that students will need.
  • Listening: how to understand and take effective notes on extended lectures, including how to follow the argument and identify the speaker's point of view.
  • Speaking: how to participate effectively in a variety of realistic situations, from seminars to presentations, including how to develop an argument and use stance markers.
  • Reading: how to understand a wide range of texts, from academic textbooks to Internet articles, including how to analyze complex sentences and identify such things as the writer's stance.
  • Writing: how to produce coherent and well-structured assignments, including such skills as paraphrasing and the use of the appropriate academic phrases.
  • Vocabulary: a wide range of activities to develop students' knowledge and use of key vocabulary, both in the field of psychology and of academic study in general.
  • Vocabulary and Skills banks: a reference source to provide students with revision of the key words and phrases and skills presented in each unit.
  • Full transcripts of all listening exercises.
The Garnet English for Specific Academic Purposes series covers a range of academic subjects. All titles present the same skills and vocabulary points. Teachers can therefore deal with a range of ESAP courses at the same time, knowing that each subject title will focus on the same key skills an
  • Systematic approach to developing academic skills through relevant content.
  • Focus on receptive skills (reading and listening) to activate productive skills (writing and speaking) in subject area.
  • Eight-page units combine language and academic skills teaching.
  • Vocabulary and academic skills bank in each unit for reference and revision.
  • Audio CDs for further self-study or homework.
  • Ideal coursework for EAP teachers.
  • Extra resources at www.garnetesap.com