Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Child Psychology

Child psychology
Child psychology involves looking at the issues,stages and various influences that a child experiences throughout their development into functioning adults. Child psychology can be divided into two main areas- the actual process of psychological developmentthat the child goes through when growing up and the analysis and treatment of the various problems that a child may face throughout their development.

During a child’s development from infancy to adulthood, many influences are responsible for sapping their ways of seeing the world, their ideas of their own identity andtheir place within society. Factors such as environments setting, family, community and the media all shape a child. In a perfect world, a child would develop successfully into a happily functioning adult, without any problems along the way, however this is not usually the case and many children find that the may struggle throughout the process.

Vocabularies list :

1.      Issues                        = Persoalan
2.      Identity                      = Identitas
3.      Development             = Perkembangan
4.      Adulthood                 = Kedewasaan
5.      Struggle                     = Perjuangan
6.      Responsible               = bertanggungjawab
7.      Sapping                     = Melemahkan
8.      Influence                    = Pengaruh
9.      Psychological             = Psikologis
1.  Environment                 = lingkungan

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